UMF Alftanes
Historical roster
From Eysteinn Avarsson to Eysteinn Avarsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - A
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Avarsson Eysteinn | SG | 1m92 / 6-4 | 2023-2024 |
From Robert Birmingham to Cedrick Bowen
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - B
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Birmingham Robert | SG | 2m02 / 6-8 | 2023-2024 |
Bowen Cedrick | PF | 1m98 / 6-6 | 2023-2024 |
From Isaiah Coddon to Isaiah Coddon
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - C
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Coddon Isaiah | - | - | 2023-2024 |
From Brynjar Magnús Friðriksson to Brynjar Magnús Friðriksson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - F
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Friðriksson Brynjar Magnús | - | - | 2023-2024 |
From Norbertas Giga to Steinar Snær Guðmundsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - G
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Giga Norbertas | C / PF | 2m08 / 6-10 | 2023-2024 |
Guðmundsson Steinar Snær | - | - | 2023-2024 |
From Dui Thor Jonsson to Dui Thor Jonsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - J
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Jonsson Dui Thor | PG | 1m80 / 5-11 | 2023-2024 |
From Anar Lindal to Daniel Love
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - L
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Lindal Anar | SG | 1m90 / 6-3 | 2023-2024 |
Love Daniel | PG | 1m90 / 6-3 | 2023-2024 |
From Kristjan Omarsson to Kristjan Omarsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - O
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Omarsson Kristjan | - | - | 2023-2024 |
From Haukur Palsson to Haukur Palsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - P
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Palsson Haukur | SF | 1m97 / 6-6 | 2023-2024 |
From Ragnar Ragnarsson to Ragnar Ragnarsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - R
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Ragnarsson Ragnar | SG | 1m88 / 6-2 | 2023-2024 |
From Dino Stipcic to Dino Stipcic
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - S
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Stipcic Dino | SG / SF | 1m95 / 6-5 | 2023-2024 |
From Ville Tahvanainen to Ville Tahvanainen
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - T
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Tahvanainen Ville | SG | 1m94 / 6-4 | 2023-2024 |
From Hordur Vilhjalmsson to Hordur Vilhjalmsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - V
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Vilhjalmsson Hordur | PG | 1m91 / 6-3 | 2023-2024 |
From Doug Wilson to Doug Wilson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - W
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Wilson Doug | SF | 2m00 / 6-7 | 2023-2024 |
From Eysteinn Avarsson to Eysteinn Avarsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - A
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Avarsson Eysteinn | SG | 1m92 / 6-4 | 2023-2024 |
From Robert Birmingham to Cedrick Bowen
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - B
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Birmingham Robert | SG | 2m02 / 6-8 | 2023-2024 |
Bowen Cedrick | PF | 1m98 / 6-6 | 2023-2024 |
From Isaiah Coddon to Isaiah Coddon
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - C
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Coddon Isaiah | - | - | 2023-2024 |
From Brynjar Magnús Friðriksson to Brynjar Magnús Friðriksson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - F
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Friðriksson Brynjar Magnús | - | - | 2023-2024 |
From Norbertas Giga to Steinar Snær Guðmundsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - G
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Giga Norbertas | C / PF | 2m08 / 6-10 | 2023-2024 |
Guðmundsson Steinar Snær | - | - | 2023-2024 |
From Dui Thor Jonsson to Dui Thor Jonsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - J
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Jonsson Dui Thor | PG | 1m80 / 5-11 | 2023-2024 |
From Anar Lindal to Daniel Love
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - L
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Lindal Anar | SG | 1m90 / 6-3 | 2023-2024 |
Love Daniel | PG | 1m90 / 6-3 | 2023-2024 |
From Kristjan Omarsson to Kristjan Omarsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - O
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Omarsson Kristjan | - | - | 2023-2024 |
From Haukur Palsson to Haukur Palsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - P
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Palsson Haukur | SF | 1m97 / 6-6 | 2023-2024 |
From Ragnar Ragnarsson to Ragnar Ragnarsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - R
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Ragnarsson Ragnar | SG | 1m88 / 6-2 | 2023-2024 |
From Dino Stipcic to Dino Stipcic
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - S
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Stipcic Dino | SG / SF | 1m95 / 6-5 | 2023-2024 |
From Ville Tahvanainen to Ville Tahvanainen
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - T
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Tahvanainen Ville | SG | 1m94 / 6-4 | 2023-2024 |
From Hordur Vilhjalmsson to Hordur Vilhjalmsson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - V
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Vilhjalmsson Hordur | PG | 1m91 / 6-3 | 2023-2024 |
From Doug Wilson to Doug Wilson
Historical roster for UMF Alftanes - W
Player | Position | Height | Season |
Wilson Doug | SF | 2m00 / 6-7 | 2023-2024 |